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Tomsk musical college invites you to participate in Denisov Competition

Tomsk musical college invites you to participate in The Fifth International E. Denisov Young Composers Competition
(1st November - December 2019).

A full package of documents for participation in the competition is accepted by e-mail: lisefr9@gmail.com until 30th October 2019.
The score and the clarinet part in PDF format is received by e-mail: yuri.kasparov@gmail.com until 30th October 2019.
Download the position of the Competition in English

The address of the Competition Organizing Committee: "Tomsk E. Denisov musical college", 634050, Tomsk, Lenin Avenue, 109; the room number 306, tel. (3822) 51-27-42, fax (3822) 51-20-22.

Competition Coordinator:
Efromeeva Alisa Vladimirovna, Head of the Denisov Center, e-mail: lisefr9@gmail.com

We will be glad to collaborating!



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